Home » Arch Enemy lanceert nieuwe video

Arch Enemy lanceert nieuwe video

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Afgelopen oktober keerde Arch Enemy terug met de eerste nieuwe single Deceiver, Deceiver in vier jaar. Vandaag is het vervolg in de vorm van House Of Mirrors ook beschikbaar. 
Gitarist Michael Amott over de single: “Musically, this is an idea that has been bouncing around in my head for a while, and finally it got finished. It all started with the guitar motif that kicks off the track, which naturally leads to the galloping 80’s-metal feel of the verses. As is always the case with us, we had quite a few different arrangements and demos of this song until it was, dare I say, fckn perfect!”
Frontvrouw en zangeres Alissa White-Gluz voegt daaraan toe: “‘House of Mirrors’ is a song that twists its way into the human psyche. I wrote the lyrics during a dark time of strict, dystopian lockdown, and I think people will be able to relate to that feeling of being totally alone – but never truly alone – when you are surrounded only by past and future versions of yourself as company.”

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