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Geniet van Mask Of Prospero, Eyes Wide Open, Our Hollow Our Home, The Alpha Complex en meer

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Mask Of Prospero

Griekse progressieve metalcore vind je in de vorm van de nieuwe single Lament van Mask Of Prospero.

“Mask of Prospero was built based on love for the human and the earthly element of life, for the feelings that spring from music, but also for the music that springs from this feeling.

“Lament” is a dialogue of the soul, penetrating deep emotions above and beyond what man has been able to hear. It is a form of awareness, emanating from realistic experiences teeming with cynicism and melancholy, based on an axiom: that every person who happens to be a part of your daily routine, even for a while, lives a life as vivid and complex as yours· people who have been in our lives for a while and have treated us badly or made us realize things, and then disappear, leaving behind ashes of experiences, but also traces that may never be erased.

De single is afkomstig van het aankomende album dat in januari 2023 uitgebracht zal worden.

The Alpha Complex

The Alpha Complex is een Amerikaanse hardrockgroep uit Sacramento. De band was opgericht in 2012 en brachten het eerste album Generate uit in 2014. Sindsdien heeft de band een paar singles uitbracht en komen nu met de nieuwe single My Inferno.

Eyes Wide Open

Na het uitstekend ontvangen album Through Life And Death komen de Zweden van Eyes Wide Open terug met de nieuwe single We’re The Walking Dead featuring Misstiq.


De hardcorelegende Lionheart komt ook vanuit de stal van Arising Empire en zal op 9 december het album Welcome To The West Coast III uitbrengen. De tweede single Live By The Gun gaat vergezeld van een video waarop ook Ice-T van Body Count zijn zegje doet. Voor het nieuwe album wisten ze Jamey Jasta te strikken voor de productie en mixte Will Putney het geheel daarna af.

The Commoners

Enige tijd geleden bracht The Commoners de single Find A Better Way uit. De single was gemixt door Kevin Shirley. Je kunt de single vinden op het gelijknamige album dat op 4 november uitkomt via Gypsy Soul Records.

The Enigma Division

Voor 2023 lijkt The Enigma Division hèt debuutalbum van het jaar uit te brengen. Wat dat betekent mag je uitvinden met de nieuwe single The Escapist.

Gitarist Conor McGouran legt uit: The Enigma Division started as the brainchild of myself and Ronan Burns. We both have quite a wide range of musical tastes and the idea was to create a sound that combined all of those influences and make it our own. Its become a sound we refer to as Tech-Noir” as it incorporates our love for atmospheric 80s synth music, film score and science fiction combined with extremely groove laden heavy riffs”.

‘The Escapist’ is a song about having profound feelings of dissatisfaction about where one is in life, but creativity is the one thread that helps overcome an existential crisis. Musically I guess Nevermore, Fear Factory and Brad Fiedel were the driving influences on this one. It was also my first venture into using 8 string guitars.”

Pop Evil

Pop Evil trapt binnenkort de headline tour af in het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Voor die gelegenheid brengt de band de nieuwe single Paranoid uit.

“It’s about the voices in our head — we all have ‘em, but do we act on them?” zegt frontman Leigh Kakaty. “It’s a cautionary tale, about processing those voices in a positive way. It’s very aggro and uptempo, and I think it speaks to the depression and anxiety a lot of us have at this stage in our lives.”

Our Hollow Our Home

OHOH heeft afgelopen jaar het derde album Burn In The Flood afgeleverd. De band heeft kort geleden hun deal met Arising Empire opnieuw getekend en daarbij de video van Idlewaves uitgebracht.

Idlewaves showcases the heavier side of Our Hollow Our Home’s eclectic yet balanced contrast of sounds, combining a wide array of blistering breakdowns and technical guitar work with a classic, infectious sing-along chorus, of which fans of the band have grown accustomed to.   The track shows no signs of letting up from the onset, relentless and hard-hitting from the moment it begins to play. The song is laden with aggression and lyrically tackles numerous topics that ultimately centre around the frustrations felt towards a close one who refuses to change their ways after a long string of poorly made decisions and ineffable mistakes.” Connor (Vocals)

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