Het Italiaanse Genus Ordinis Dei sloot het jaar 2020 in stijl af. De band leverde met het album Glare Of Deliverance leverde niet alleen een stevige portie symfonische deathmetal af, maar wist en weet de muziek ook nog eens te vertalen in uitzonderlijke mooie video’s die de tien composities visueel ondersteunen. Deze week zette Genus Ordinis Dei de zesde video online waarin het verhaal van Eleanor verder gaat in de gevangenis en uiteindelijk tot de berechting. De bisschop zelf zal het eindoordeel vellen. Zal ze vergeven worden of zal ze moeten boeten voor haar zonden.
“While filiming Judgement, it was very difficult finding the best place for the shooting.” zegt gitarist Tommaso Monticelli “We discovered an abandoned village called Marone, in the Alps near Domodossola, which had the atmosphere we were looking for. After finally getting permission for filming, we had to walk for 20 minutes on a stony path while carrying a lot of equipment like a 40kg electric generator, a wooden log, pieces of furniture, scene objects, costumes, lights.. a lot of stuff! It took 6 trips back and forth for us, but it was worth it. The church was in terrible conditions and it took some time to clean it and set it for the shooting. All over the pavements of this humid and cold church there were dozes of small black scorpions, that we had to make sure we removed before we could shoot safely. In this episode, I played the part of The Bishop and it was fun. Alessandra and Floriana, the costume designer and the make-up artist, did an excellent job and I have to thank them for their support. Thank you also to Giacomina, who helped carrying all the heavy equipment with her quad: it was a blessing!”
Genus Ordinis Dei komt met zesde video
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