Home » I Believe van Killswitch Engage

I Believe van Killswitch Engage

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Killswitch Engage kan gezien worden als één van de pioniers van de (huidige) metalcorebeweging. Al jaren zet de band albums op de markt die hun aftrek vinden bij de liefhebbers. De nieuwe single is de volgende logische stap en laat een band zien die nog altijd springlevend is.

“‘I Believe’ is about undying hope,” deelt Leach. “During difficult times perspective is everything. Knowing deep down that ’this too shall pass’ has been a beacon of light for me. I do believe there is meaning behind suffering. If we are able to push through difficult times and come out the other side, there is a renewed sense of purpose.

I know there are much more commonalities between all of us as humans than there are differences. The good far outweighs the bad. This is my message to anyone who’s listening, things will get better! However you have to believe that they will!. There is power in faith, there is power in manifestation and prayer! Keep the faith and push forward with the confidence of better days ahead. Do not let this world pull you down into despair. Tomorrow is a new day and a new possibility for change!”

Making this record lit a fire under my ass and made me rethink everything,” geeft Jesse toe

It had to be next level. It had to be different enough for people to really recognize we’re putting forth an effort—or what’s the point of doing this? There was no repeating ourselves. It was very carefully planned out and passionately written. It sounds like Killswitch, yet there’s also a fresh spirit to it.”

Deze keer werd er gewerkt in Massachusetts met alle bandleden in één ruimte.

We pushed Jesse to do more vocal demos and were super tough on him,” zegt Adam.

He was so open to feedback though, and he definitely got the lyrics right. I love it when he and I are face-to-face, and ideas are flying around. We work especially well together when we’re in the heat of the moment. All of the demoing made for a better record, and there was so much communication between all of the band members.

It felt like everyone put a ton of effort into this,” voegt Mike eraan toe

It’s the first time since Alive Or Just Breathing that we really hashed everything out together in the same room. It was a combined effort, and there are even some things you’ve never heard from Killswitch. I never considered myself to be a part of mainstream society. I’ve always been in the middle. To me, this record is about the consequences of our actions as humans as we engage in war, hatred, division, and falling in line with control. History repeats itself. We’re going to have to answer for our actions—whether it’s how we treat the earth or each other. There will be an uprising and a backlash from nature. Cause-and-effect is a driving theme. We will face a consequence.

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