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Lord Of The Lost brengt nieuwe video uit

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Het Duitse Lord Of The Lost brengt op 2 juli, via Napalm Records, het zevende album Judas uit.
Het bijzondere gezelschap laat zich kennen als exeptionele artiesten en de nieuwe single Priest bewijst het des te meer. De video neemt de luisteraar mee op een aloud conflict; het conflict tussen goed en kwaad. Op het album wordt het conflict bezien van het perspectief van Judas Iscariot.
“With ‘Priest’, we dive deep into a visual world that is meant to convey the very core emotion of the upcoming album, JUDAS, to the viewer. This comes along with a story that leaves room for many means of interpretation while keeping the purpose of the album concept. The artist XELANAH shines as the protagonist here, symbolically representing the emotional tension of the figure of Judas Iscariot. That role will also appear and continue in further videos, just like you know it from, for example, AEROSMITH. The song itself manages to unite all the emotion and soundscape that makes up the album – a cinematic trailer for the ears. And even a deliberately placed GENESIS quote from the mouth of Judas himself is suddenly seen in a completely new light.”
Over het album zegt de band:
“Don’t judge a book by its cover. This sentence could hardly apply any better to someone in theological history than to the figure of Judas Iscariot, who represents only one thing at first glance: Betrayal. If you take a closer look, almost endless possibilities of interpretation open up here: from “Judas the murderer” to “Judas the redeemer” and “Judas the actual martyr”, who, if you believe in it, could only find room in hell for his salvific betrayal after dying for what he did, in complete contrast to Jesus Christ. This field of tension and the apocryphal writings of the “Gospel of Judas” are the basis for a double album that not only illuminates the dark and light side of history, but above all the grey areas in between, in which we move emotionally and ideologically throughout our lives and try to find our place.”


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