Home » Lordi komt met nieuwe single Hellizabeth

Lordi komt met nieuwe single Hellizabeth

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Fijne rockmuziek en horror gaan al decennia hand in hand bij Lordi. Niet controversieel, niet aanstootgevend, maar gewoon op een vriendelijke manier. De band, onder leiding van Mr. Lordi is met Limited Deadition alweer toe aan het negentiende (!) album en komt op 21 maart uit via Reigning Phoenix Music.

De nieuwe single Hellizabeth is zeker te vinden op het nieuwe album. De nieuwe single gaat vergezeld door een mooie video met een kleine verrassing in zich.

Mr. Lordi legt uit: “‘Hellizabeth’ is another typical LORDI song, both lyrically and musically. It’s styled in the vein of a horror film storyboard about a woman’s ghost house haunting experience. Musically, I think the main WOW moment is the weirdly progressive beginning of the song. It stems from childhood memories of trying to learn to play an instrument. It’s actually just the vocal melody of the verse being played in the style of a nine year-old, with the whole band playing the same thing in unison and nothing in between. That’s how at least my brain worked with music as a kid, before I realized ‘Oh, the vocal melody is different and the stuff in the background is supposed to give it harmony and chorus!’”

Het nieuwe album werd opgenomen in de Illusound Studio en Finnvox Studios in Helsinki. Mr. Lordi was wederom verantwoordelijk voor de productie en het artwork.

“It’s some kind of sibling album to its predecessor,” Mr Lordi explains. “We’re still walking the path of AOR-inspired music, but this time, with a more metal touch in terms of riffs and tempo. We’ve always written what felt right and natural, and this album is no exception.”

The thematic heart of “Limited Deadition” lies in Mr Lordi’s lifelong obsession with collecting, inspired by the action figures and toys of his childhood. “The album topic of 80s toys is actually just a loose theme, but it’s been accompanying me since I was little. I’ve always been a collector of various stuff, and I’m even some kind of a hoarder. I can’t even remember which my first own toy was, but my obsession basically started with “Muppet Show” dolls, followed by “Star Wars” and “E.T.” figures, with the latter actually being my favourite movie of all time.”

28 maart kun je Lordi live meemaken in P60 in Amstelveen, 29 maart in Poppodium Iduna in Drachten en op 30 maart in Poppodium Volt in Sittard.

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