Home » Mother Of Millions, Avantasia, Evergrey, Arch Enemy, Upon A Burning Body en meer leuke video's

Mother Of Millions, Avantasia, Evergrey, Arch Enemy, Upon A Burning Body en meer leuke video's

door Maurice van der Zalm
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De afgelopen week was het qua weer bijzonder. De regen was voor de boeren en natuur een zegen. Voor anderen, in het bijzonder in het zuiden en oosten van het land heel vervelend. 
Gelukkig kwamen er de nodige mooie video’s uit comfort en troost mogen bieden.
Mother Of Millions
MOM brengt de vierde en laatste video van hun EP Orbit uit. Het is een prachtige pianoversie van de compositie Rome. Orbit is de eerste uitgave na het verlies van toetsenist Makis Tsamkosoglou tijdens een show in juni 2019. Rome is een compositie waarin je op zoek kan gaan naar je eigen ziel en laat emoties ontluiken. De opname kan omschreven worden als een noodzakelijk heelproces voor de band.

Arch Enemy
Het elfde album Deceivers van Arch Enemy zal op 29 juli uitgebracht worden via Century Media Records. De single Sunset Over The Empire is nu van een video voorzien.
Michael Amott zegt erover: “Behold the ‘Sunset Over The Empire’, the 4th single from our upcoming ‘Deceivers’ album! This is a faster song with some manic riffs and a relentless beat that I can envision becoming a ‘hit in the pit’! Lyrically, it’s sadly one of those that seems to ring more true with each and every passing day nowadays…’Words turned to war, brother fighting brother, another false truce, as the people die…’. The accompanying video was shot in Poland with the Grupa13 team and doesn’t follow the lyrics slavishly but has a great message and vibe in its own right. Oh, and I’m stoked that we’re releasing ‘Sunset Over The Empire’ as a limited edition physical single on 7″ vinyl!”

Evergrey heeft zojuist het dertiende album A Heartless Portrait (The Orphean Testament) uitgebracht bij het nieuwe label Napalm Records. Call Out The Dark is de derde single afkomstig van dit album.
Evergrey: “We are so just so damn proud of this record, guys, and we are just as excited that you will finally get to hear it! We will let the music do the talking and leave you to it, but we can’t wait to hear what you feel and think!” 

“You Know We’ll Return Once Again / You Can Turn The Page / The Image Will Remain / We’re In Your Dreams”  (The Wicked Rule The Night – AVANTASIA)
We hebben er een tijd op moeten wachten, maar Tobias Sammet is terug met Avantasia en presenteert meteen de single The Wicked Rule Of The Night met Ralf Scheepers op zang. De nieuwe single geeft een kleine impressie van wat het publiek mag verwachten op het negende album A Paranormal Evening With The Moonflower Society.
Tobias Sammet over”The Wicked Rule The Night“: “I’m so happy with the upcoming album that you could put out any song as the first single. But somehow, after the last two years, I felt the need to go full steam ahead as soon as I’m let off the leash. And honestly, it’s also cool to know that many would probably have expected a less extreme track to accompany AVANTASIA’s re-entry into the earth’s atmosphere. But AVANTASIA is not stylistically fixed, anything goes, commercial, epic, grotesque or full on the bell, doesn’t matter: All that is part of AVANTASIA’s very own world. We have found our own pigeonhole and different laws apply there. The fans of the first hour know that. And so I have the feeling that “The Wicked Rule The Night” is unpredictable, exciting, fresh and new, despite my trademarks, as you know them partly from AVANTASIA or also EDGUY. Playing it safe is a lot of hogwash. 

Upon A Burning Body
De band bracht vorige week het nieuwe album Fury via Seek & Strike uit (een review volgt spoedig op deze site). Code Of Honor is de nieuwe single.
Ruben Alvarez (gitar) : “After listening to the complete album we knew we had created something that represents what the band stands for on and off stage. Fury is a whole new monster. We’ve always been a band that experiments and Fury is definitely the stamp we needed on our own signature sound. We brought in elements from our first three albums and mixed them with our last two. If you like the heavy rifts from Red, White and Green or the groove of Southern Hostility, then you are going to be stoked on this!
“The biggest change on this album is Danny and my younger brother, Thomas Alvarez. Now having three biological brothers writing and performing together, what more can you ask for? Thomas has already brought so much to the table; helping us as a song-writer since
Southern Hostility and now adding another vocal element. He has brought a ton of fresh ideas and writing has never been easier.
“Upon A Burning Body have been through a lot of changes throughout the years and we have come full circle back to our roots. We are ready to keep pushing forward on our albums and live performances.
Fury is definitely a huge step for us to show the world that we are here to stay and American Heavy Metal is alive and stronger than ever!”

The Disaster Area
Glasshearts was het laatste album van The Disaster Area. Hoewel de pandemie nog springlevend was kan gezegd worden dat de metalcore van The Disaster Area succesvol werd ontvangen. EEn jaar later komt de band met de nieuwe single We All Will Lose.

Alex Kisslinger:  “’We All Will Lose’ is about the significance of going your own way, to swim against the stream of the norm and also about the conflicts that rise up if you surrender to the pressure from outside and live a life that feels wrong or fake. In the end it’s like we’re losing our value if we don’t allow each other being the way we are.” A major topic that everyone is confronted with and that is continually gaining importance. Especially in a time where it’s hard to keep track of your very own way, The Disaster Area want to encourage their listeners to be self-confident. Guitarist Franz Apfelbeck adds: “While fighting with influences from the outside you might feel lost sometimes but there’s nothing more important make yourself aware that there’s no exclusive interpretation of what’s being normal.”

Tankard heeft de release van het nieuwe album Pavlov’s Dawgs bekend gemaakt. Het zal op 30 september uitgebracht worden. Een mijlpaal die afgelopen gekoppeld ging aan het optreden dat de band geeft na de UEFA Europa League finale van Eintracht Frankfurt.
Gerre : “Our last release “One Foot in the Grave” is already 5 years old, but it’s really true: The older you get, the faster time flies……..Even more pleasing that we managed to have our new work “Pavlov’s Dawgs” beaten in just in time for our 40th band anniversary, which will be released on 09/30/22. As with “One Foot in The Grave”, Martin Buchwalter was responsible for the recordings and the mix, which undoubtedly suits the band more than well!!!
We really put all our efforts into the last months and hope that you like the result as much as we do!!!! With our new record company Reaper Entertainment behind us, we’re going to step on the gas again!
In this sense: Stay healthy and heavy!!!”

Fight The Fade
Fight The Fade brengt de nieuwe single On My Own uit. Het is een onderdeel van de promotiecampagne voor het nieuwe album Apophysitis.
“On My Own is for anyone who’s tired of putting themselves out there just to get burned,” volgens Fight The Fade. “Everyone deserves a second chance, but there are times where it’s okay to walk away and be on your own.”

Grave Digger
Het Duitse metalinstituut Grave Digger weet van geen ophouden. De nieuwe toevoeging aan hun omvangrijke discografie is de nieuwe single Hell Is My Purgatory. De single is ook te vinden op de nieuwe langspeler Symbol Of Eternity dat op 26 augustus door ROAR! Rock Of Angels Records! wordt uitgebracht.
“Razor-sharp riffs, pounding drums, a chorus that can make a whole arena headbang like crazy and the distinctive voice of Chris Boltendahl are components of Grave Digger’s new single. All the trademarks that have made the band stand out for 4 decades can be heard on “Hell Is My Purgatory” 

Gewoon nog een keer de video van Striker omdat het zo’n lekker nummer is.


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