Home » Nieuwe singles van Lordi, Avralize, Thecityisours, Lafayette, Marty And The Bad Punch en To Obey A Tyrant

Nieuwe singles van Lordi, Avralize, Thecityisours, Lafayette, Marty And The Bad Punch en To Obey A Tyrant

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Lordi is back en neemt je terug op een nostalgische reis met de nieuwe single Retropolis. Het is de tweede single van het aankomende album Limited Deadition dat op 21 maart uitkomt via RPM.

“This title nearly became the name of the album as it would pretty much sum up the context of the album: Musically it’s all built around this main riff which was written by our guitar player Kone. It’s very ‘happy’ sounding and has an almost U.D.O.’s “Faceless World” album style to it. I was thinking of how to best build a vocal line around it, without making it sound totally cliché. This would be the main riff, so the song kind of wrote itself. Lyric wise, it’s painting a picture of an 80s feeling that shows like “Knight Rider,” “Battlestar Galactica” or “Masters Of The Universe” brought on. It’s a very visually inspired song, bringing back the cover art of IRON MAIDEN’s “Somewhere In Time” in my brain. It doesn’t really tell a story, it just gives off an overall 80s post-apocalyptic vision in a way. That being said, I really miss those days. Everything was better back then…everything was better in neon lights!” zegt Mr Lordi.

29 maart doet de band poppodium Iduna in Drachten aan.

Na het succes van de vorige twee single The Time Is Now en Have Faith brengt Marty And The Bad Punch de derde single Heart Attack uit. Een single in het fijne AOR genre dat een perfecte atmosfeer brengt. De single is te vinden op het aankomende album van de band.

Van AOR naar modernmetal is niet zo’n grote stap bij Rockporaal. De band Lafayette uit Lyon beweegt zich in het modernmetalgenre en gooien meteen hoge ogen met de eerste single A Soul With A Gun.

Avralize speelt een fikse portie metalcore en zoekt het in de Wanderlust. ‘A High energy anthem for restless souls’.

Ook uit de stal van Arising Empire komt het Finse One Morning Left die de nieuwe single Puppy uitbrengen. Een single die meedong in de nationale selectie voor het Eurovisiefestival 2025.

De band zegt erover: “Musically, we rely on the 80s and 90s, and we do not take ourselves too seriously. Sometimes, people look at you in a funny way if you mess around too much. You can dance to the beat of our music, and that’s fantastic,

“We already spoke with our previous drummer that UMK would be a great experience. After meeting Kiro, who produced Cha Cha Cha for Käärijä, we began to think about making an UMK song with him,”

Minder lieflijk is de nieuwe single van To Obey A Tyrant. De band tekende een contract bij Seek And Strike en kondigen meteen hun nieuwe EP Frigore Inferni aan. De explosieve single Obsidian Soul moet je warm maken voor hun muziek.

To Obey A Tyrant : “We chose ‘Obsidian Sol’ for our main single because we thought it was the perfect balance of brutality and catchiness. Its has some insanely heavy sections, yet the chorus makes you want to sing along. What stands out about us the most is how we mix slams in with symphonic deathcore, so we’re not your typical deathcore band. You don’t really see a lot of bands doing our specific style and we pride ourselves on our brand. The music video complements this with a striking visual concept—set in a harsh, white void, with CGI landscapes appearing throughout, depicting a desolate wasteland under an eclipsed sun, symbolising the ‘Obsidian Sol’.”

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