Home » Nieuwe video’s van Hail The Sun, Act Of Denial, Dear Mother, Wheel, Cypecore, Ashes Of Perishing en Avralize

Nieuwe video’s van Hail The Sun, Act Of Denial, Dear Mother, Wheel, Cypecore, Ashes Of Perishing en Avralize

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Hail The Sun


De Anglo-Finse progressieve rockers van Wheel hebben aangekondigd dat het derde album Charismatic Leaders op 3 mei uit zal komen. Met twee uitstekende albums op zak belooft dit derde album weer een mooi kunststukje te worden.

Om deze aankondiging meer kracht bij te zetten is de video van de single Empire online gezet.

Zanger/gitarist James Lascelles zegt erover: “This is probably the most metal song I have ever written – it is intense as all hell when it kicks in and it keeps finding new ways to punch you in the face all the way to the end! Santeri did an incredible job with the drum track on this one and playing it live is really going to take some work in the rehearsal room. Lyrically, it is about media empires and the effect they have on wider society – all of us are influenced to some degree, even if we would rather not admit it. Issues that require nuance are presented as binaries and opposing views are made into caricatures – a target for us to rage at that far too often, doesn’t even exist. This is not a new phenomenon by any means but it is one that seems to have been catalysed by the modern landscape of media, the internet and populist politics. As you might be able to tell from the mood of the song, this pisses me off immensely and it was cathartic to vent about it.”

De band gaat op pad (onder andere met Caligula’s Horse) en staat op 16 november in Melkweg Up en op 17 november in 013 in Tilburg.

Dear Mother

Dear Mother zal de nieuwe EP Necessary Darkness uitbrengen op 19 april. Na wat wisselingen in de bezetting bestaat de band uit:

David Pear – Vocals
Ferry Duijsens – Guitars
Desmond Kuijk – Bass
Ruben Israel – Drums
Merel Bechtold – Guitars

Van de nieuwe EP is Threads nu beschikbaar als single.

Act Of Denial



Duitse metalcore is er genoeg. Ook Avralize beweegt zich in deze Duitse metalcorevijver en droppen een nieuwe single getiteld Overdose dat afkomstig is van het nieuwe album Freaks dat op 22 maart uitkomt via Arising Empire.

Avralize weet op het debuutalbum een combinatie neer te zetten van fusion, artistieke elegantie, krachtige deathcore-elementen en futusistische geluiden. Het belooft allemaal wat.

Zanger Severin : “Releasing Freaks is a wake-up call for all the people out there who feel lost, rejected, and abnormal. Nothing is “normal”, nothing is “right” or “wrong”. We live in a world full of rules, but who has the right to set these rules? They exist subconsciously and can grow into walls with just one disapproving glance. Walls that hold us back from expressing ourselves and finding our true selves.

Ashes Of Perishing

Duitsland heeft niet het alleenrecht op metalcore. Luister maar eens naar het nieuwe werk van Ashes Of Perishing die het debuut FRVR/CRSD op 29 februari uitbracht via Inverse Records. 

The band : “At the heart of the EP are two songs that form a single entity. We all have our own pain points and pain to carry, and it may never ease, thus cursing us to carry them forever. However, we can learn to live with them and become stronger.  FRVR/CRSD is an entity, a leap into the deep end of humanity. The world is not a perfect place, and life is not always wonderful, but we will survive. Always. 

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