Home » Oak brengt nieuwe single uit

Oak brengt nieuwe single uit

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Het album The Quiet Rebellion Of Compromise kwam eind 2022 uit en sprak en spreekt enorm tot de verbeelding. Karisma Records brengt op 25 april het nieuwe album The Third Sleep uit. De nieuwe single Shimmer is daar een voorbode van.

Over de nieuwe single zegt de band Oak: “Those who have listened to OAK’s previous releases will probably notice the clear nods, both harmonically and lyrically, to Stars Under Water from the album Lighthouse

The themes of conformity and condemnation are treated in a gloomy soundscape that can send the mind to dark film music. Both harmonically and lyrically, Shimmer builds a bridge from the band’s first release to the latest, before towards the end you are led into a suggestive, ostinato-like coda that gives room to process and to move on both concretely and metaphorically.”

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