Orbit Culture
Descent kan gezien worden als dé metalplaat van 2023. Het laatste product van het Zweedse Orbit Culture lijkt de concurrentie volledig te verpulveren. Over Descent schreven we op onze site:
“Het is altijd maar weer afwachten of een band die in populariteit groeit en langzaam de succesladder beklimt trouw kan blijven aan zichzelf en kwaliteit kan blijven neerzetten. Bij Orbit Culture lijken ze geen last te hebben van hoge verwachtingen of druk. De vier heren doen waar ze goed in zijn en ze voldoen helemaal aan de hooggespannen verwachtingen die ik van ze had. Dit is 48 minuten puur genieten.” (Rockportaal)
Een writers block is de band vreemd, want de nieuwe EP The Forgotten staat alweer op de planning. De single While We Serve is vanaf vandaag beschikbaar.
Niklas Karlsson : “During the writing of our latest album Descent, we felt that the songs ‘Sound of The Bell’ and ‘The Upheaval’ had a similar feel to the rest of the album, but they turned out to be way more experimental in the final recording stages. As it progressed, they simply felt more out of place. Heading home from the latest tour supporting Avatar, we knew we needed one more song to glue these two together and shortly thereafter, ‘While We Serve’ was born. It was the perfect glue to tie all the songs together and the cherry on the top for a new piece work to be presented. So, even though it’s a continuation of Descent, it turned out to be a release that could live independently.
“The EP kicks off with ‘While We Serve’ and it has a horror movie vibe going on, which I love. It’s fast, kind of old school, but of course, with the modern twists. One track that also stands out for me is ‘Sound of The Bell’ which, lyrically, I believe was the most difficult one I’ve ever written to date. I delved into the mass shootings and that sort of violence that’s on the news almost every day now. I think I really had to choose my words right and be very careful to show my utmost respect for people who’ve been faced with this cruelty, chaos and grieving, especially since I’ve never been in a situation like that myself.
“These last two to three years have really changed our lives. Everything goes so fast that it is sometimes difficult to stand back and put some perspective on it. You’re always on the hunt for the next thing. Coming home from this busy year, everything starts to creep in; for example, we opened up for Meshuggah six times, month-long tours with Avatar in the US two times, and had a blast for two weeks in the UK supporting Trivium. It’s hard to understand still, remembering that you’ve looked up to these bands for so many years, and now you’re out there becoming friends with them? It’s surreal. And the backbone of it all is, of course, our beloved fans, who I believe would go through fucking fires for us. They are the most dedicated and supportive group of people I’ve ever seen, and everyone is so lovely and polite. We wouldn’t be here without them and this EP is for them.”
Annisokay en Any Given Day
Met Abuss part 1 liet Annisokay de fans niet langer wachten op nieuw werk. Daarbij is de sympathieke band een graag geziene gast en overtuigden ze afgelopen overtuigden het toegestroomde publiek in Hall Of Fame. Met de EP nog vers in de zak brengen ze nu een nieuwe single samen met Any Given Day. H.A.T.E. is terug te vinden op het nieuwe album Limiteless van Any Given Day dat op 26 januari 2024 uit zal komen via Arising Empire.