Riverside staat op het punt om het achtste studioalbum ID.Entity uit te brengen. Een album waarvan komende week de review op onze site zal verschijnen. De Polen hebben nu de tweede single Friend Of Foe online gezet. Zanger/bassist Mariusz Duda vertelt over de nieuwe single:
“’Friend or Foe?’ is one of the key songs on the new RIVERSIDE album. Not only is it the opening track but, musically, it is possibly also the most courageous and intriguing one.
One of its strong points is the lyrics which talk about how we’re perceived by others, especially these days, when pretending to be someone you’re not on social media has become the norm. Can we still be ourselves or do we have to keep adapting to the requirements of new algorithms? Perhaps we’ve already lost our identities and we’re only waiting for instructions from a Siri or Alexa?
“Who do you pretend to be?” are the first words of the song and the listener has already started searching for that 80s band it reminds them of. Is this a mere inspiration or is it provocation? Is the writer of the song pretending to be someone else or is this who he really is? Who is behind it all? The artist himself or a producer churning out music for many other artists? Is what I’m writing now a reflection of what I’m feeling or am I writing it because I want to put the song on a higher recommended playlist? And if we apply it to politics, who are the candidates? Are they credible? Trustworthy? Will they keep their promises? And finally, will we be able to trust each other one day, hear each other out and understand, or will we still keep our distance and suspicions?
Perhaps there is a chance to build a better world, but how to recognise who is a friend and who is a foe?”
Ook Periphery staat aan de vooravond van de release van het nieuwe album Periphery V: Djent Is Not A Genre dat op 10 maart via het eigen label 3DOT Recordings zal worden uitgebracht.
“We spent more time on Periphery V than any other release in our history” legt Mark Holcomb uit “We challenged and pushed ourselves harder, and along the way we grew even closer as a band. We are so proud of the final results! I also wanted to mention how exceedingly grateful we are to our fans for being so patient in waiting for this record. We wanted to show our appreciation by giving you two songs today instead of one. We have a very busy 2023 and 2024 planned so we’ll see you on the road!”
Misha Mansoor vult daarbij aan: “I’m really proud of the material and it was certainly a labor of love and a tough album to make. The feeling that we were going to have to give up because it kept taking so long was so overwhelming at times, that to not just overcome it, but to feel so proud of this album has really galvanized us as a band in a way that I don’t think any other experience could have”.
De band lanceerde afgelopen week twee singles die een uiterst krachtig en groovend geluid laten horen. De verwachtingen naar het nieuwe album zijn enorm toegenomen. Oordeel zelf maar.
Black Stone Cherry
Black Stone Cherry heeft met de nieuwe single Out Of Pocket nieuw werk afgeleverd sinds de release van The Human Condition uit 2020. En het nieuwe werk klinkt als vanouds. Het is meteen een warm welkom voor de nieuwe bassist Steve Jewell (die al wel te horen was op het live-album Live From The Royal Albert Hall…Y’All)
Over de nieuwe single zegt zanger Chris Robertson: “Out of Pocket is a song born out of that exact feeling. The song was what I personally, and I think a lot of us, felt over these very trying last couple of years. Facing your demons, knowing that you have to come out the other side stronger than before.”
In december liet het Franse Evenline na vijf jaar gelukkig weer van zich horen met de single White & Blue. De nieuwe single Not The Same komt ook van de EP The Scars We Left Behind dat op 8 februari uit zal komen.
The Mono Kids
Van het kersverse punk duo The Mono Kids, afkomstig uit Eindhoven/Boxtel (NB/NL), verscheen onlangs een 3 track EP. De nummers werden volgens goed lo-fi en DIY gebruik thuis opgenomen in studio Schultenbrau en gemixed door Hans Reinders in diens PIT studio in Nederweert. Vanaf februari doet de band een serie optredens in het kader van ’the my little pony’ tour.
De bandleden speelden eerder al jarenlang samen in diverse bands en deden al vele optredens in binnen en buitenland (oa clubcircuit in Nederland zoals Paradiso/Amsterdam, festivals oa Noorderslag/Groningen en Metropolis/Rotterdam, maar ook in The Wild at Heart/Berlijn).
Als The Mono Kids beginnen ze nu aan een nieuw muzikaal avontuur!
Voor diegene die Michel en Roelof kennen van de andere muziekprojecten is Shooting Star op de nieuwe EP een warm bad waarin gestapt kan worden. Geen poespas, gewoon inpluggen en spelen.
Crystal Faith
Crystal Faith heeft een cover uitgebracht getiteld Eyes Of A Stranger dat geschreven is door Bob Rock en Paul Hyde en oorspronkelijk opgenomen is in 1982 door de band PayolaS.
The Answer
The Answer heeft de tweede single Want You To Love Me uitgebracht. Het komt voort uit het album Sundowners dat op 17 maart verschijnt.
Neeson: “When a friend asks me to give them a sneak peak of what this new album of ours sounds like…the first song I play them is “Want You To Love Me”. I just sit back and watch their heads start to bob up and down. This song is what we’re all about right now…dirty blues rock that hopefully makes you feel pretty damn good! The video captures the uncompromising energy of the song perfectly. I watched it 10 times when it came through to my inbox. It looks even better with a whisky in your hand too. Watch responsibly.”
De band staat op 25 maart in Patronaat, Haarlem en de dag erna in Willem Twee, Den Bosch. Voor onze zuiderburen komen ze op 6 april naar De Dreef in Vorselaar.
Patterns Of Decay
Patterns Of Decay kent zijn oorsprong in april 2014 in New York. Het viertal heeft ondertussen een EP en twee albums op zak. Met Famine And Plague brengen ze een nieuwe (en derde) single uit.
“This video expertly captures the frenzied and almost rabid nature of our song ‘Of Famine and Plague’. Much like the song itself, the video evokes a sense of frustration and anxiety, giving you zero chance to catch your breath. We knew that Sean Ageman at Washed Up Media was the perfect person to bring this storm of sounds to the screen. We think he’s outdone himself on this one. If you disagree, you might want to check your pulse.”
Cultura Tres
Universal Music komt op 7 april met het album Camino De Brujos op de proppen van de metalband Culture Tres uit Zuid-Amerika. De tweede single van het album is Proxy War.
“‘ProxyWar’ is a deep sounding mixture of thrash and psychedelic sludge metal. Featuring Paulo Jr. from the almighty Sepultura, this song has been produced the organic / realistic way. its double bass-drum blasts as if it came from the golden records of Slayer. No sampled drums, no fake performances, this is the real deal.” zegt voorman Alejandro Montoya.
Kort geleden is de bassist Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr. (Sepultura) toegevoegd aan de bezetting van de band.
“In 2019 after hearing about the plans for a new Cultura Tres, I offered Ale and Juanma to join the band. The music is very organic. There are a lot of influence from the 90’s and a little bit of hardcore as well. Personally [In this album], I got inspired by the bass players who I’ loved the most back in the 70’s”, aldus Paulo Xisto Pinto Jr.
Het nieuwe album past heel mooi in de metaltraditie maar de band is ook op zoek gegaan naar oude muzikale structuren uit de rock. Stel je dus muziek voor met de kracht van thrashmetal, een beetje sludge en het gevoel van classic rock.
“The album title ‘Camino de Brujos’ can be roughly translated as ‘Trail of Witches’. Do you remember the little story about letting your subconscious make artistic choices? Well this is one of the best examples, ‘Camino de Brujos’ is the main line sang on top of a nasty slow riff, the song is filled with tribal ritual percussion, typical from south America’s black magic practices. The phrase didn’t only end up being the only lyrics sang on the song but it also gave the name and identity to the album”, legt Alejandro Londono Montoya uit.
A Life Divided
Endure The Affliction
Endure The Affliction presenteert de laatste single Witch.
“The song is written about having dealings with a witch and getting screwed over, ultimately ending in the classic ‘burning of the witch’ cliche. However, this is all actually metaphor for the double standards of modern romantic relationships, the inherent ungratefulness that persists within them, and the desire to get out of such a situation.”
Fight The Fade
Hybride electronische rock met nu-metal. Dat typeert het duo Nitroverts die helemaal terug zijn met hun nieuwe single Hit The Brakes.
“‘Hit The Brakes’ delivers an adrenaline rush and a smashing groove together with inspirational lyrics and motivation,” zegt Nitroverts. “It’s perfect for those who are waiting for something more from Nitroverts!”
Het begon allemaal in 2021 toen het duo met het debuut Starting Point op kwam dagen.
“Everything started from the demos I showed Yann during our recording sessions. He liked them very much and was eager to work with them as a vocalist. We were glad and ready to show and share the new music, powerful than ever. So our starting point was set.” – Ars Nikonov