Home » Start van de pre-orders van nieuwe Star One-album en derde video

Start van de pre-orders van nieuwe Star One-album en derde video

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Het is inmiddels bekend dat het project Star One van Arjen Anthony Lucassen Revel In Time heet en in februari 2022 zal uitkomen via InsideOut Music. Vanaf vandaag is het mogelijk om het album vooruit te bestellen. Tegelijkertijd kun je, wanneer dit nog in je collectie zou kunnen ontbreken, Victims Of The Modern Age en Space Metal weer aanschaffen.
Tegelijkertijd met de start van de pre-orders is er de derde video. Dit keer van de compositie Prescient waarin Micheal Mills (Toehider) en Ross Jennings (Haken, Novena) de vocalen voor hun rekening nemen.
Arjen : “For me this is the most varied Star One album so far, every track has a totally different feel. The first single, Lost Children of the Universe, is a big epic track; the second single, Fate of Man, is a fast metal track, and Prescient is definitely the most proggy on the album. With the video we tried to capture that vintage black and white Twilight Zone feel with a touch of David Lynch!”
Over het album zegt Arjen verder:  “Ayreon is like the mothership for all my music. It contains all the different musical styles that I like to listen to and that I love to create. But I’m always looking for challenges and trying to create something new and original as well. Working within a set of constraints forces you to do that, so sometimes I like to limit myself and focus on just one style. For example, with Star One I focus on the metal-side of Ayreon. That means you won’t hear the exuberantly liberal use of acoustic instruments that are so often featured on Ayreon albums, like violin, woodwinds, cello, horns, dulcimer, mandolin etc.”

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