Home » Valkyre start crowdfundingactie voor nieuw album

Valkyre start crowdfundingactie voor nieuw album

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Valkyre debuteerde in 2014 met het album Our Glorious Demise. Een album dat liet horen dat deze zuiderburen wel een portie female fronted metal wisten te maken en een belofte werd genoemd voor dit genre.
Anno 2017 vraagt Valkyre de aandacht voor hun crowdfundingactie om het benodigde geld voor een nieuw album bij elkaar te vergaren. Het materiaal ligt al klaar en het is afhankelijk van de grootte van het bedrag dat ze binnenhalen hoeveel nummers het album zal tellen. De band zal bijgestaan worden door niemand minder dan Liv Kristine.
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Valkyre has been around for a while, Kris started the band in 2004. In the last 5 years we’ve taken the band to the next level, with the recording of the Our Glorious Demise CD and nice gigs, such as the Metal Female Voice Fest, Femme, supporting Liv Kristine, Leaves Eyes,and some great gigs in Germany, UK, Belgium and the Netherlands… We want to kick it up another notch, with the release of another CD, with the help of some of the best female vocalists and with the help of.. you!
The CD will be awesome! In our progress so far, we’ve written the source material and it is about 95% finished (some minor tweaks to ensure we can actually play what we write ;-)). Like our last CD, there will be songs as catchy as a pop song (but without the triple-layered auto-tuning, digital drum and boring beats) as well as full-on, head-bobbing groovy heavy metal. We’ve already recorded guitars, keyboards and vocals for 4 songs at the Woodhouse studio in Hagen with the amazing Liv Kristine (thanks!). So we still have quite some recording to do. Afterwards, Siggi Bemm (Woodhouse)  will be doing the mixing again on this CD, as we were incredibly happy with his work on our first CD. Finally, the songs will be mastered, and we’ll have a graphic artist design us a nice cover and booklet.
We do this for fun and don’t expect to make a profit on this (in fact, we expect the opposite, but hey – *grunt voice mode ON* metal is in our veins! *OFF* Or something like that :-)). So our own time, you get for free! However, recording and producing a full-length album is expensive.  We’ve estimated our direct costs (studio recording, mixing and mastering, artwork and promotional material, some practical minor costs, eg logistics) at a little over 10K, some of which we can offset or pay partially as we start to get revenues from CD sales, and we do expect to be investing some funds ourselves. After that, there’s still a gap of 7500EUR, which is a tall order to keep funding from our own pockets.
We have source material for 10 songs, but our own budget is limited to about 8. If we reach 4K EUR in funding, we’ll be recording a ninth song. Once we reach 7.5K EUR in funding, we’ll be recording all 10 songs. This means that your contribution is directly helping us to unleash our creativity upon the world! (If you’re thinking “In that case, perhaps I shouldn’t be investing”, you are both right and boring – take a risk! Life’s too short! Pink elephants are cool!)
While it feels very weird to be requesting money – we do offer you something in return! For those without a budget, there’s a guitar pick to show your support. Of course, the newly recorded CD is one of the rewards and you can discover the other rewards in the list to the right. Note that physical rewards do not include shipping costs. Obviously, we won’t be making any profit at all on the shipping part and we’ve compared several shipping companies to get you the best price. If the real prices turn out lower we’ll adapt our prices! If you have any more questions about the shipping do not hesitate to contact us.

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