Home » Video’s van Elyne, Annisokay, Signs Of The Swarm, Supersonic Revolution, Avkrvst, Fifth Angel, Immortal, Silent Skies en Skindred

Video’s van Elyne, Annisokay, Signs Of The Swarm, Supersonic Revolution, Avkrvst, Fifth Angel, Immortal, Silent Skies en Skindred

door Maurice van der Zalm
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Supersonic Revolution

Na een hele cyclus van Ayreon en het laatste album van Star One besloot Arjen, naar aanleiding van een verzoek uit Duitsland, om samen met een stel goede muzikanten een nieuw project te starten waarin de liefde voor de oude rock centraal staat. Zo ontstond Supersonic Revolution waarvan het album op 19 mei wordt uitgebracht. De eerste video is afgelopen week online gezet.


Het jaar heeft al wat mooie albums opgeleverd, maar met blijdschap ontving ik tevens het bericht dat het Italiaanse Elyne op 29 september het nieuwe album Identity uit zal brengen. Met de nieuwe single kun je alvast aardig in de stemming komen.

Signs Of The Swarm

Century Media Records heeft een keur aan sterke artiesten/bands onder zich. Een fikse portie deathcore is ze niet vreemd en met Signs Of The Swarm bewijzen ze dat des te meer. Het titelnummer van het nieuwe album is online gezet.


16 juni zet Avkrvst het album the Approbation op de markt. De tweede single Arcane Clouds is nu uitgebracht.

“Arcane Clouds is the second single off the concept debut album The Approbation, and the anthem of forsaken hope. An inner voice trying to convince you to fight back and keep your head above water, while the ghosts are hunting you down.”


Annisokay staat garant voor een lekkere portie aanstekelijke metalcore. De nieuwe single Human is nu verkrijgbaar.


We hebben al twee uitstekende nieuwe singles van Skindred gekregen. Deze week kwam de derde single If I Could uit. Het is allemaal te vinden op het nieuwe album Smile. Zet daarvoor 4 augustus in je agenda.

Zanger Benji Webbe over de single, “Mikey [Demus] sent me a piece of music and he had a chorus which said ‘if I could’. And when I thought about it, I was stuck in my bedroom, in my studio, not seeing anybody. It was 2020 and it was the lockdown. For me, this song was inspired by being locked down and how much I really hated 2020, and what 2020 did to this planet. It’s made it a different place. So, for me, this song is about erasing 2020 off the map. Yep, if I could, I surely would.”

On the other hand, 2023 is a different story. We’ve released new music and we’re still to drop another few monsters off of our album ‘Smile’. I’m very optimistic about the future – we’ve got the KISS tour coming, and we’ve also got our headline tour supporting ‘Smile’. So 2023, at the moment to me, looks like a very exciting time to be in Skindred.”

Fifth Angel

Fifth Angel staat ook op het punt om het album When Angels Kill uit te brengen en wel op 16 juni via Nuclear Blast Records. De muziek van de band is aanstekelijk en erg krachtig. De nieuwe single overtuigt je hiervan.

Ken Mary (FIFTH ANGEL drummer en producer) zegt:

“‘When Angels Kill’ is actually more of a soundtrack to a movie that hasn’t been made yet. This new album combines much of the subject matter from the last three albums and weaves a compelling story. It’s very easy to visualize the “movie” as you listen to this album. Overall, it’s a deep and dark story, but the subjects that the band has always written about deal with the state of mankind. Themes of media deception, war, terrorism, oppression, betrayal, natural disasters and the battle for survival are all woven in. We even reference many of the previous albums song titles in the new lyrics, which to my knowledge has not been done before in a concept album. We hope the fans will feel that this album is something very special”

The story of When Angels Kill begins in the future, when Phoenix, a young man caught in a world undergoing enormous changes, determines that the cunning, deceptive, and ruthless global leader that is enslaving billions will not subjugate him. Although it seems pointless and even fatal to resist, Phoenix joins a remnant of people that fight on for a better world. Traitorous love, catastrophic events, isolation, and impending doom darken his days, but Phoenix somehow retains his will to survive. The story concludes with a surprise ending.


Wie blackmetal zegt, zegt in dezelfde zin waarschijnlijk Immortal. De pioniers van de Noorse Black Metal heeft de nieuwe single Wargod uitgebracht. Een single die je terug kunt vinden op het nieuwe album War Against All dat op 26 mei via Nuclear Blast Records uitgebracht wordt.

The band ́s founder Demonaz stated about the second single ‘Wargod‘:
“Wargod is the heaviest song on the album. I thought it was about time to give the fans a track in the «Tyrants» again. Celtic Frost’s album “To Mega Therion” from 1986 was an inspiration to me this time. Some of it’s classic tracks had heavy opening riffs that developed into fast devastating fury and tempo. I wanted to capture that feeling again, the Immortal way. When i moved to the mountains In 2019 I went through some of my old material and unused lyrics. Wargod was one of them. The title, lyric and song ideas were originally from the early nineties, and now finally Immortalized on the album.” 


Silent Skies

SILENT SKIES over “Numb”: “Two decades on, and ‘Numb’’s haunting melody and raw lyrics still pierce through our souls, speaking to the inner turmoil that sometimes plagues us all. It’s a reminder that we are not alone in our struggles, that our fears and insecurities are shared by many. In a world that often seems to delight in tearing us down, this song is a beacon of hope, a reminder that we are stronger than we think. Our arrangement seeks to amplify this message, to imbue it with the full force of emotion and meaning that it deserves. For when we connect through music, we tap into something deeper, something that transcends time and space and unites us all. This is our contribution to honor the legacy of Linkin Park and to celebrate the beauty and power of music. For in these troubled times, it is the one thing that can still bring us together, that can still lift us up and carry us forward towards a brighter tomorrow.”

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