Omdat januari nog een eind weg is, is er nu een video verschenen van de singlevideo Lyfjaberg die niet op het nieuwe album te vinden is.
Frontman Einar Selvik : “When circumstances forced us to postpone the release of our upcoming album ‘Kvitravn’ until January 2021, it was clear to us that we still wanted to release new music. Music and art can potentially carry great meaning in times of uncertainty. We decided that now was not the time to stay silent and headed straight back into creative mode and the studio to write and record the song ‘Lyfjaberg’.”
Lyfjaberg is het oud Noorse woord voor ‘healing hill’ en zeer bekend in de Noorse mythology als een plek om tot rust te komen en te genezen voor diegene die in staat waren om de berg te beklimmen.
Einar: “The song expresses that climbing a tough mountain, both in reality and metaphorically, is a mental as well as a physical effort. I have tried to write this journey up the mountain as one for the mind and spirit as much as the feet and body. Anything of true value, comes at a true cost.”